Friday, October 31, 2008


Cassidy went out as a "baby" for Halloween. Just to a few houses really close by :)

Presleigh as "Little Red Riding Hood"

Zoe being Zoe

And of course an updated loc picture :)


Pam said...

grrr... it just erased my comment!!

thanks for coming over and reading more of my blog. it means a lot to me.

I'll try posting this comment and see if it works, before I get it erased again!!

Pam said...

ok, I'll continue!!

HSSH is High School Sweet Heart.

God has become our financial provider. His people have come to the plate on this one and delivered beyond anyone's imagination. (i need to write about that, but i hate to make anyone who isn't be provided for feel like they are doing something wrong or anything)

I had a friend tell me of their friend, who's husband is going through a mid-life crisis. It sounded so much like HSSH. It scared me. I thought about what I would tell this person to do if I had the chance. I realized I did what I had to do. And I would do it again. Even though it has been so incredibly hard. I prayed that God would do what HE had to do in HSSH to make him into the man HE wanted him to be. And three years later... we still wait. I believe God is at work. I just have no idea when or how this is all going to play out in the end. All I do know, is that i have peace. I can sleep at night. and God is my everything... most of the time... and finally.