Presleigh bridges to Cadet in Girl Scouts :)
My older children have prayed every day since they were much younger, for
me to be healed...
I can't climb the stairs to put the little ones to sleep.
This blog started out as a story of the journey Cassidy will take as she gets her sisterlocks on Oct 9th. But, as I began to post, and get comments, there is so much more to talk about. Family, Black and White, God, love, adoption, the soul and somehow God brings all those things together here..
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of times it takes your breath away...
Its amazing how far little cassidy's hair has grown it is such a blessing to see people reach out to other races and embrace them as individuals and not just see color may God bestow upon you many of blessing to young cassidy and lil cassisdy's family
Aww your family is simply beautiful!!! BTW, of course I don't know you so I don't get an intimate look into your parenting but you seem like great parents. Very supportive as parents should be!!!...BTW I was a girl scout troop 1066 woo woo!!!
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