Monday, May 17, 2010

"_All, all is lost_!" in smoke and flame. Now bold and strong and stern

Ince, no doubt,--but not many, I fancy,

that have been sweetened by a more devout sense of reliance upon Providence. "Williams was a companionable person, who had a place in the Treasury
Department, and talked freely about the kind of work he had

to do, and the salary. "Eight
hundred a year!" thought Salmon, deeming that man enviable who had constant employment, an assured position, and eight hundred a year. _His_ ambition was to get a
living simply,--to place his foot upon some certainty, however humble, with freedom from this present gnawing anxiety, and
with a prospect of rising, he cared not how slowly, to the place which he felt belonged to him in the future. Little did he dream what that place was, when he questioned Williams so curiously as to what sort of thing the Treasury De partment might be. "If I could be sure of half
that salary,--or even of three, or two hundred, j

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